
Grow Up, America

Let's talk about contradiction, shall we?

Over on Cartoon Network, you can find advertisments for that silly Monsters vs. Aliens movie. It features Seth Rogen, one of the biggest potheads and marijuana advocates in Hollywood. You can also find those insufferable "Above the Influence" commericals immediately following. HEY KIDS, SETH ROGEN IS IN THIS MOVIE! (But pot is bad. I know he makes it seem harmless, but... shhh...)

Meanwhile, Family Guy runs an entire episode dedicated to the legalization of marijuana. I was told that during the initial premier... guess what ran? That's right, Above the Influence, who is like a well-funded version of the kid at the party who mocks the other kids getting high down in the basement. Meanwhile, nobody like that kid, and he's for SURE going to be a virgin until he marries a fat girl at age 28.

Never mind that their "Facts" about marijuana are speculation at best and out-and-out BS at their very worst. This is a group of people who can see the writing on the wall. Our country is slowly coming to the realization that our marijuana laws are ludicrous. The stigma was shaken off long ago. Why else would you have seen out-and-out contempt for Kellogg's when they pulled their sponsorship of Michael Phelps? The national reaction was one of "Who gives a shit? He won EIGHT GOLD MEDALS!" and that's the way it should be.

Seriously, who funds this shit? Above the influence of WHAT? Since when are stoners and potheads like the gays in their efforts to recruit legions of misguided youth? You know what I've never heard in all my years of being in the marijuana culture and being a longtime advocate (I am a Libertarian, after all)? "Smoke this, or you're a fag." You know what I hear ALL THE TIME? This fucking nonsense.

(side note: it took me five minutes to find that commercial, because all I could find was mocking parodies... still, look at the comments section. It's pretty interesting)

I don't like the person that I become when I drink too much. I am whiny, depressed, self-abosrbed, and sometimes contemptuous to the point of confrontation. I DEFY you to point out to me when I am baked off my ass without me telling you first. You'd never know, but I am always in a good place. ALWAYS.

I drink but maybe once a week now, and it's never more than three in one sitting. I feel better, I've lost weight, and I'm more active. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go watch TV and probably find a Bud Light commercial on somewhere.