
Why I Won't Vote For Barack Obama

But first, let me tell you why John McCain sucks.

Ironically, John McCain used to be a lot like Barack Obama. He was given a lot of credit around 2000 for taking stances that went against the party line. Even if I don't agree with a candidate, I'll respect his or her ability to actually do what they feel is best. McCain used to be this way. Now, he is a whiny lapdog for the GOP. He keeps knocking Barack Obama, calling him a celebrity. I find this to be McCain's official conversion to the dark side. It also turned him into a magnificent pussy, and a douchebag.

John McCain honestly believes that he can put together a campaign that does nothing but show everything wrong with his closest competitor. That would be a great way to do things of Wal-Mart trailer trash could vote twice. I'm sure Republicans would like nothing more than that as the 2008 elections approach, but it doesn't work that way.

And that is why John McCain is a wiener.

Now, on to our regularly scheduled program.

Barack Obama is a position right now where all he has to do is show people that he's not full of shit. He has created a campaign that people desperately want to believe in. I find the optimism of people to be both encouraging and desperately needed. There was one inevitability, however: when it became clear that he was in fact the frontrunner, his skeletons would come out. So far it seems he's just like any other politician: a conniving bastard. But I'm not looking for a nice guy to be my leader, I'm looking for a leader. Ask Lou Piniella if he cares whether or not people think he's cuddly. The Cubs are in first place. END OF STORY.

So yeah, Obama is great and is giving people hope. But I am still a Libertarian, and I know of a candidate that is still better suited for me than Obama. His name is Bob Barr, and he currently has 6% of the popular vote according to recent polls. Bottom line? I'm not alone, and I'm not throwing my vote away. BELIEVE DAT.

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