
The Thrill of the Chase Is Total Bulls--t

You know, there's something I've been meaning to get off of my manly, hairy chest for quite some time. You are all allowed to think whatever you want, but I know at least a small part of you are concerning yourselves with what I have to say... I recently was fortified in that belief by a simple series of strokes on a keyboard.

Anyway. In case you didn't already figure out theme here, the thrill of the chase is indeed total bullshit. I understand that there are other species who do this as a matter of determining who makes the best mate. Aren't we evolved enough as a species to completely forego this process? Why do we keep doing this to ourselves? I have seen people do things recently that have left me in that sad state of being both stunned and completely unsurprised, all in the name of dipping the wick.

Here's the deal: you should just immediately bypass the rest of this because I am what I am. I am a gunshy, complex, wallflower-esque person when it comes to putting my ass on the line in order to just get a date. Allow me a diagram if you will.

This is me normally. Notice how approachable and well-adjusted I am.

This would be me trying to approach someone I find of interest. Please note the sweat, the sweat stains under the arms, the pulling at the clothing, etc. You also can't tell from this rendering, but I have wet myself. Never mind the concept of carrying on a conversation, I'm totally screwed here.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Coming out of a relationship is hard, but the hardest part is remembering exactly what it is that made people want to date you in the first place. I'm at the same point now that I was at the end of high school: completely devoid of romantic suggestion. And just like any other normal human being, I refuse to blame it on myself. I will continue to blame it on the shortcomings of others and their total failure to recognize my perpetual state of awesome. I mean, come on...

What's not to like?